Remember how yesterday I was all lovey, dovey missing the newborn stage of babyhood. Well this little princess decided to stay up crying from 1:30-3:30 am last night. I spent those hours trying to let her cry it out, rocking her in the rocking chair, changing her diaper, checking to make sure she had her paci, etc. until she finally fell back asleep. I think it was her teeth hurting her because when I gave her some Tylenol she was out 5 minutes later. Too bad I didn't just give her Tylenol at 1:30 when she first got up.
I was woken up this morning by a cute little boy opening our door at 6:30. So I spent all of today with a headache and slight irritability because of being up in the middle the night. Apparently in 4 short months my body has gotten use to a full night's rest. I take back all the things I said about precious newborns and now am grateful that I usually get an uninterrupted night of sleep because I need it to keep up with these two!
Luke was on a roll sleeping 12-13 hours a night...until two weeks ago. Now we're back to a midnight feeding and I don't know why! I feel your pain!