Wednesday, August 31, 2011


August at our house has been busy. Especially the second half. With the school year back in session and everyone getting up and out the door bright and early any free moment we have at home seems precious.

We have been spending lots of time playing outside in the afternoons and evenings. There is a breeze in air that lets us know fall will soon be upon us.

Charlotte doesn't like to be in her exersaucer inside unless someone is sitting right beside her, but outside she can watch her brother play and loves to jump around. I think the furniture inside blocks her view of everyone when she is in the exersaucer, but it is so spacious outside that she can still see everybody. I think she might be a nosy one.

Trey loves to ride his tricycle and kick the ball around outside. He is a bundle of energy and needs time outside to wear himself out before bed.

Saturday mornings are usually a bit lazy around her. We hang out in our pajamas while I make breakfast. Jay is in charge of entertainment while I cook.

Charlotte wants to know if we are done with the book yet.

Often Trey finds his own entertainment. One evening he put on every bib in the kitchen. Don't worry, I took the computer cord out of his hand immediately following this picture. I had just been following him around the kitchen try to take a picutre of all the bibs around his neck because I thought it was so hilarious. Those also came off promptly just in case they were a little snug.

We also have a new rule at our house that is often instituted in the evenings.
"Trey, are you supposed to climb on Mommy?"
"No climb on Mommy"he answers.
"Who can you climb on?"
"Daddy!!" and he proceeds to find Daddy wherever he is and wrestle/ climb all over him.

For the record, Daddy invented this rule.

Chasing Daddy around the kitchen island. I am not sure why Trey has no shirt on, but no male bonding ritual usually occurs with shirts on in my observations.

Charlotte and I look in dismay at this male bonding ritual that occurs in our home. We prefer to sit and play quietly on the floor. Although I think Charlotte may be ready to join in the climbing ruckus soon. For now she is content reaching for her toys, playing with tags, and watching her brother.

See ruckus occuring in the background.

Watching the wrestling match.

Happy to just be an observer.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Back to the Grind

Jay has been back at work since our beach vacation, but my first day back was today. Trey was so excited to go to Grandma and Grandpa's today. He kept saying all morning while we got ready, "Mommy and Daddy to work, me and Larla to Anmaw's." (not really sure how to spell it but it sounds like grandma without the gr and d sounds). After he got dressed I told him him to go downstairs and find Daddy to get some milk and he said "No Mommy, go to Anmaw's!" I had to remind him Charlotte had to eat and get dressed before we could leave. To say he likes his little routine would be an understatement.

Charlotte has two bottom teeth now. They came in within days of each other. I was finally able to get a shot of them.

Don't you just want to kiss these cheeks???

The exersaucer has made it's way out of storage and it a strong favorite in our house. Trey likes to tell Charlotte what to do "beads go up!" while she laughs and plays inside it. He will play the music for her and then dance with her when the music starts. If he is in the other room when she hits the music he will come running so they can dance together.

Charlotte is also loving sitting up and playing with her toys. Trey is always around to entertain her and she loves being with him. Literally he will put a (stuffed) toy on her head and it will fall on her and she laughs hysterically. He then thinks it is funny and will continue doing it over and over again. This has given me chances to make dinner and move laundry around the house because Charlotte doesn't like to be left alone, but as long as her brother is near she doesn't care where I am.

This afternoon when we got home Trey wanted Charlotte to sit in his lap and "Say Cheese" with him. Charlotte was more than happy to oblige, although they never both looked at the camera at the same time.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

7 months old

I spent all of today thinking it was the 8th. I thought to myself, "I am going to go a blog post on Charlotte's 7th month birthday today and it will be the right day, I can't forget!" And then when I uploaded pictures from today I realized the folder was labeled the 9th. Whoops.. I am a day late. Sorry Charlotte. You might want to get used to this.

Charlotte is now 7 months old! She is super interactive with people, toys, and her own image in a mirror! I can't believe how big she is! She has continued with a very happy and content personality for which I am very thankful. She has no fear of strangers and will go to anyone. She has been sleeping like a pro for the past month- 11-12 hours a night and when I go in her room in the morning she is just playing with her feet and babbling to herself.

Charlotte likes:
  • Her big brother. Anything he does she finds hilarious. Even laying on top of her.

  • Food. This girl can put away some food. So far she loves green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, plums, pears, peaches, bananas, and avocados.

  • Taking her paci out of her mouth.
  • Diaper Changes.
  • Sitting up and talking to anyone.
  • Watching people, smiling at people, giggling at people.
  • Buzzing her lips and spraying food/saliva everywhere.
  • Playing with her toys, hands, and feet.
  • Catnaps in her crib.
  • Snuggling with her blanket and doggy. Seriously this is how she likes to sleep.
  • Bath time

Charlotte dislikes:
  • Being alone.
  • Staying up past her bed time.
  • Sleeping longer than 45 minutes during the day.
  • Being stuck in her car seat after we arrive home.
  • Missing a meal.
The past 7 months have flown by. Charlotte is such a joy and we can't imagine our family without her!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Trip to Bluefield

With 2 kids you can still be spontaneous. On Thursday evening when we were discussing what our plans were this weekend (because I have learned not to assume your husband's plans are the same as the plans in your head) we thought about a trip to visit Jay's brother in Bluefield. We had wanted to get down there all summer and with Jay starting back to work today we knew if we didn't go then, it just wouldn't happen. After a late phone call with Mark we decided to get up early Friday morning and pack before the kids woke up and head out on Friday afternoon. That is as spontaneous as we get folks.

On Friday we stopped at park after visiting Uncle Mark's office so he could show off his adorable niece and nephew to his co-workers.

Charlotte can sit up so well on her own now and is a pro at people-watching. It runs in the family :)

Trey played a play area earlier in the day with fish so he spent the rest of the day making a fish face.

Naps are not a guarantee when we are traveling, since Trey no longer really sleeps in the car, so it was an early bedtime Friday night! We headed back to the park on Saturday for a cookout and train ride! The big boys were in charge of the cookout. As you can see we had no way to flip the hot dogs or take them out so they improvised this wet paper towel for a pot holder. Way to be creative!

Charlotte napped peacefully in the stroller (I should do a post of 100 reasons why we love our stroller!) while Trey was a bit concerned about what his daddy and uncle were doing with that fire.

Charlotte took a quick power nap and then was up to enjoy the rest of the picnic.

Someday we will get a picture with everyone looking at the camera.

Trey loved watching the train go around our picnic spot and would wave to the passengers.

Spotting the train

So excited when the train blew it's whistle!


After the picnic, we waited at the train station for our turn to ride. From what I understand (sorry Mark if my story is wrong!) the train used to be a fun ride up on top of a mountain and recently the town restored the train and built a train station at the local park. It was a big hit and has about 300 passengers every Saturday.

The train pulling up to the station.

Loaded up and ready to go. Trey loved the train from afar but was a little unsure about getting on the train. Once it started going he had a blast! Charlotte enjoyed watching all the people and feeling the breeze.

Sunday we went to church with Uncle Mark. This was the first time I left Trey at another church and he did so well! He was a bit hesitant to walk into his class but once he saw some cars he ran over and was content to say goodbye to his daddy. When we went to pick him up he was still playing hard with the cars. Charlotte was the only baby so she got to be held and talked to the whole hour. That is her favorite way to play!

Reading the newspaper with Uncle Mark on Sunday morning before church.

On the way home we stopped in Wytheville to see Trey and Charlotte's cousin Halle. Trey has missed her so much since he spent two weeks with her in July. He and Charlotte were both excited to see her!

We had a great weekend! Thanks for letting us crash your bachelor's pad this past weekend Uncle Mark!