Monday, February 6, 2012

Cabin Fever

I have often told people the best thing we ever did for Trey was have Charlotte. He got all our attention, all the time, and all his needs were met as soon as he needed something. Not that we are horrible parents now, but after Charlotte was born Trey learned to wait sometimes, to share often, and right now we are working on how to play together. Trey would not spend nearly as much time in time out if he didn't have a little sister to push over or take toys from, but I am hopeful that he is learning how to show love and kindness by being a big brother. Charlotte, well Charlotte is learning how to be aggressive if she wants a toy, how to climb all over her brother and pull hair, and all other important things little sisters do to get attention.

I say all that to explain how almost every playtime involves some sort of time out (be it a person or a toy) and an explanation of how to play gently with your sister or brother. We have been spending a lot of time playing inside because of this wet, muddy, yucky, cold winter. Trey and Charlotte are playing together much more, but we are having to referee this play time to ensure that no one is physically hurt.

The last weekend in January our living room became a play fort. We had some cousins visit and a pillow was on the sofa from their over night stay and Trey loved to play on the floor with it. He added some blankets and pillows from upstairs and it was great fun for a cold wet afternoon. Trey included some of his own singing and entertainment for the evening.

"Charlotte, pretend you are asleep!"

Charlotte says, "Please hold on to the pieces while I take apart your puzzle."

In an effort to get Charlotte to leave his puzzles alone, Trey got out some baby puzzles for Charlotte.

One day I was in the kitchen and I heard a hitting noise. I thought for sure Trey was hitting Charlotte so I ran into the living room and this is what I saw. Trey was letting her beat all over him.
Their other favorite game is where they put their heads together. I don't let them do this because I am afraid Charlotte is going to get hurt, but when they crawl towards each other they always end up in this position. I think Charlotte does most of the pushing!

This past Friday we had a day off together. Since we have had NO snow days this year, it was a nice chance to relax all together.

Charlotte played with her dollhouse.
We have been trying to engage Trey in fun activities during Charlotte's nap that he can't do while she is awake. During her nap that day I put some buttons I had in a bowl and gave Trey some leftover cupcake holders to sort with. He got out every measuring spoon we own and went to town. At the end of sorting he dumped them all on the table and called out, "Neigh, neigh horse, come eat some hay!" It was really fun watching him sort and then pretend the buttons were hay for his pretend horse. As soon as he heard Charlotte wake up he announced, "Charlotte is awake, I gotsta clean up my buttons." Then he put them all away.

Trey also found a balloon so I blew it up and they had fun together all morning.

While we have had lots of fun inside together, I hope spring comes soon so we can get outside!

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