Saturday, March 2, 2013

Getting Better

The past 2 1/2 weeks we have been sharing germs, colds and beds.  No one has really slept because the kids have been up sick with coughing and stuffy noses.  Now that Trey has been on antibiotics for one week and we found a cough remedy safe for Charlotte to take, we are finally on the mend.  Today, for the first time in a while, they both spent more time playing than wiping noses. 

Trey had a cold for a week before he shared it with Charlotte.  Then when she got sick they both had fevers so we headed to the pediatrician.  Trey was diagnosed with a slight ear infection and Charlotte just had a cold.  That night we had to give Trey amoxicillin for the first time in 3 years.  It was not pretty.  After trying to force it in his mouth, bribe him with every treat he has ever had, and threatening to take him back to the doctor he still refused to swallow it.  Finally he said he would take it if it was purple (like the children's tylenol and children's ibrophen he is used to).  So a little bit of blue food coloring later we had purple medicine and he drank it like a champ.  Who knew the color was the real problem?

We got another humidifier to put one in each of their rooms.  Jay was setting up Trey's humidifier on his dresser and Trey asked, "What's that daddy?"  Jay told him it was a humidifier.  Trey's response, "A FIRE!" To which we had to explain it was not a fire, but a humidifier to help him breathe at night.  We played musical beds all week, letting them sleep in our bed or sleeping in their beds with them when they were coughing and couldn't get to sleep.  You never knew when you went to bed where you would end up by morning!! Our kids are really good sleepers most of the time so we are happy to finally be back to everyone staying in their own bed until morning.  

We have done a lot of watching netflix, reading books and laying low.  Today we were finally able to play again.  They had fun painting and being creative together.

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