Thursday, April 7, 2011

Two Years Old

Dear Trey,

I can't believe you are two years old! You have had a lot of firsts this year.

-1st trip to the beach
-1st time swimming
- 1st time overnight away from Mommy and Daddy
- Walked for the first time
- Ran for the first time
- 1st time being a big brother!
- Slept in a big boy bed for the first time

You have had so many changed in your little life this year as you learn how to communicate, express your opinions, and get used to having a little sister. You have taught your mommy and daddy the best way to ask you questions, like "Where do you want to put your carrots on your plate?" NOT "Do you want your carrots?" You like to pick out your clothes and tell us exactly where things are supposed to go. You are learning how to clean up and sing the song Mommy made up every time we clean up together!

Some of your favorite things to do are:
- play outside and collect rocks and chase bubble
- play with stickers and crayons at the table
- throw balls, although we are working on only doing this outside
- sing songs, especially The Itsy Bitsy Spider, Row Row Row Your Boat, The Wheels on the Bus, Baa Baa Black Sleep, and Jesus Loves Me
- Buckle, zip, or velcro anything!
- Puzzles- Your mommy and daddy can't believe how well you can do puzzles!
- Count things, you line up items (like crayons) and point to each one as you count
- Wear Shoes- especially those that are not your own.
- Read books. The toddler Bible is your favorite. It has been greatly loved this year.
- Pray Anytime you are happy your will just fold your hands together and say "Pray."

Your mommy and daddy are so proud of you. You are learning to be a good listener and to obey the first time. You don't even mind going to time out. You are so sweet to your sister and love to hug her and hold her. When you come downstairs in the morning you look around until you find her and give her a kiss. Your new favorite thing is to wink, especially at the ladies.

We can't wait to see how you grow and develop your sweet personality more this year!

~Mommy and Daddy

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