Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Weekend Recap

After having every Saturday and Sunday in the month of May with something going on, it was SO nice to relax and stay at home this weekend.  Saturday morning we ventured out to Sam's and Kroger for some much needed groceries and Sunday morning we went to church, but that was it.  The rest of the three day weekend was spent at home.


And playing outside.

 The weather was beautiful, especially in the evenings and Monday morning before it got too hot.  We spent a LOT of time outside.  The water table resurfaced and was a big hit every day. 
Charlotte did not like the hat at all.   I tied it so she couldn't get it off and once she finally realized she couldn't go outside without it on, she left it alone for a couple of hours.  Now if only I could convince her to leave her hairbows alone....
Trey was super excited about his new sunglasses.  He is not really this white, that is just the sunscreen that didn't completely get rubbed it.  My kids were covered from head to toe with sunscreen every morning and afternoon!
Splashing together!

Luckily we cleaned out the water table and put in fresh water every morning because I could not get her to stop drinking the water!
Trey loves blowing bubbles and chasing them.  He is getting really good at blowing them using the wand.  I think we could blow bubbles for hours and he would have a blast popping them.  

Trey is also sporting his "STAR reader for Eagle Rock Elementary hat.

Inside the house I rotated some toys around and brought up one of Charlotte's Christmas gifts.  It is a princess chair/sofa and I figured since she loves to climb so much it would be nice for her to have something to climb in that is just her size.

Charlotte likes to have her snack in her new princess chair. 
Trey is also a big fan of the chair.  He likes to take over the sofa so Charlotte has no room to sit.  In case the princess chair makes him feel less masculine, he needed to carry his football with him.
Charlotte is reading a princess book in her princess chair.  I sense a theme starting to take over here.
Trey didn't really want to take any pictures of himself.  He kept telling me no and turning away when I took out the camera.  Charlotte is always up for having her picture taken.  Especially when she is making music and dancing to it!

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