Thursday, May 3, 2012

Heard Around Here

Trey is full of wisdom being all of 3 years and 1 month old.  His thoughts shock me, crack me up, and just make me marvel at how he knows so much just through observation.

This morning when I was putting him in his car seat he buckled up all by himself.  I told him I couldn't believe he was so big.  I asked him when got to be so big.  "Uh.. I don't know Mommy, but I am not all that big.  Someday I will be as big as Daddy!"

When Charlotte was sick Trey tried to comfort her.  "Charlotte, Mommy will take your temperature, give you medicine and you will feel better."  Then he looked at me, "Mommy, do you mind taking Charlotte to the doctor so she can feel better?"

He was helping me make pizza dough this afternoon and didn't exactly want to follow the recipe.  I showed it to him and told him it was like a map, we had to follow what it told us to do.  Unfortunately it was on purple paper.  "Oh, it's a map? Ok.  But I think it is Charlotte's map so I don't have to follow it." I asked why it was Charlotte's.  "Because it is purple, so I don't have to follow it, Charlotte does."

A few days ago we went to the library.  On the way out he kept insisting on walking on the handicap line in the parking lot.  I kept trying to get him to walk towards our car, which was on the other side of the parking lot.  "No, Mommy I don't want to take the white path, I want to take the blue one." 

Trey has been mostly potty trained since January and we are so fortunate he hardly ever has accidents.  He still sleeps in pull ups though just so he isn't waking up in the middle of the night with a wet bed.  He also poops in them.  There was a package of pull ups on the counter that I bought at the store last night.  When he saw them today he said, "Oh thank you Mommy for buying me some pull ups that I can poop in. I might need to use them."

Tonight he told Jay, "I want Charlotte to be a boy."  Jay tried to explain that God made Charlotte a girl and she is special the way she is and that God made Trey a boy and that he special too.  Trey's response, "But I still just want her to be a boy like me."

He went through a period of a few months where he would not stay in bed after bedtime.  He is doing so much better now and stays in bed most nights unless something from the above mentioned bullet happens in his pull up.  One evening he kept calling for me, but stayed in his bed. He told me he wanted me to lay with him so I did.  When I started to get under the covers he held them up for me and said, "Don't worry Mommy I will keep you warm.  You can snuggle with me."  So sweet.

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