Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Great Santa Debate

We have been debating all December about what we want Santa to look like at our house, and if we even want to DO the whole Santa thing. In the end we decided to go for a toned down version of Santa with Santa bringing stockings, but keeping our focus on the birth of Jesus and reading lots of stories with Trey about baby Jesus. I knew Trey would get so excited about the idea of Santa and the magic of presents on Christmas morning.

So tonight we told Trey that Santa was going to come and bring presents tonight to his house. He knows who Santa is because of some stickers he had and he kept asking, "Who's that?" when he would pull off a Santa sticker.

Tonight Trey pointed out his stocking and we told him Santa would put toys in his stocking. He was very excited. About 10 minutes later he had some more questions about it.

Trey: Santa's car is coming to our house? Sidenote: We don't have a lot of cars come up our driveway to our house so it kinda a big deal to him to see a car come to our house. Hence the car question.
Jay: No, Santa is rides in a sleigh, so you won't see his car.
Trey: A sleigh, wow!

Then later on right before bed Trey informed us it was "breakfast time!" Apparently he thought if it was breakfast time then it was morning and could open his presents!

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