Friday, June 10, 2011

Officially Summer!

No matter what the calendar says, it is officially summer our house when school is out and we can all hang out together. Jay still has one more week of work, but I am done! I am excited about lazy summer mornings when we don't have to rush out of the house and long evenings playing outside until bedtime.

I try to be more productive with things at home in the summer because I don't have outside work to focus on. Although this year with the age of my kiddos I am not sure how many of my personal projects are going to be accomplished. Here are my goals and I will try to let you know in August how I do.

1. Potty train Trey.

2. Start Charlotte onto solids and move into a morning and afternoon nap as opposed to the nap every 3 hours we have now.

3. Create a binder that is my go to for the recipes I use on a regular basis. It will be my mealtime planning binder with all my recipes, pages to fill out for weekly menus and shopping lists.

4. Get ready to move. We don't have a move in date yet- but I can see it happening soon after I go back to work in the fall. The more I purge, pick out, box up, and order NOW the less stressed I will be then.

And in a dream world I will set up a weekly cleaning schedule that has household tasks divided up by day and every room will get a deep cleaning each week. But since that has NEVER happened unless I am like 8 months pregnant and nesting like crazy, I will put that off until next summer. Don't worry, I definitely do not plan to be 8 months pregnant next summer, in case you somehow misread that message. I just plan to keep my house cleaner.

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