Thursday, April 24, 2014

Easter Fun

The kids love any holiday, but especially ones that involve candy.  We tried to emphasize the Easter story and the reason why we celebrate Easter.  Trey understood that Jesus died and that when they went to the tomb to find him he wasn't there anymore, he was alive again.  He asked some good questions about heaven and Jesus, but it is a bit much for a five year old to be able to comprehend.  Charlotte just listened to our conversations, but was more interested in the jelly beans she got from church!

 We did some Easter crafts at home.

Then we dyed Easter eggs.  Trey did this at school last week, but we have never dyed eggs with the kids before.  They loved seeing the colors change.

We also went to an Easter egg hunt at a local church.  They had face painting, inflatible bounce houses and slides, and a gigantic egg hunt.  The grand finale was the helicopter dropping eggs.  Esther slept in the ergo carrier and the big kids had a great time.

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