Monday, June 10, 2013

Baby dolls and Sand

 Charlotte has been really into playing with her baby dolls lately.  Pretty much anything I do for her she will turn right around and do for her baby dolls.  If I hold the phone to her to talk to her Nana, she will get off the phone, get her play phone and tell her baby doll to talk to Nana.  If I tuck her in and sing two songs before bed, she will get out of bed, tuck her doll into bed and sing her two songs.  It is very sweet (but exasperating at bedtime!).  Her new favorite thing to do is fix dinner for all her babies.  She will put them in chairs around the table, give them food, and then hold their hands and sing the blessing.  She gets really into it, as you can see here. 

 "You need juice baby, I get it for you."

"I taste it for you first." Such a good mommy.

We have the kids asked to be excused at the table that way they aren't just hopping down whenever they please, which would probably be right after they sit down!  Tonight when Charlotte asked, "May I be excused."  I told her "You may."  She looked at me and and said, "I not May Mommy, I Charlotte." ha! 

 For Trey's pirate party back in April I put the water table on the front porch so the guests could dig for buried treasure in the sand.  This means for two months the kids have been playing in sand on the front porch and dragging it into the house.  No matter how much we wipe their feet, there is sand everywhere. 

Saturday evening after the kids had played outside all afternoon I swept up the sand into piles on the porch.  I am really unsure what to do with it because I don't want to sweep it all over my grass, but there is so much I am not sure how to get rid of it.  Sunday afternoon Trey spent hours playing with his tractors on the sand piles.  I think he is ready to go to the beach. 

1 comment:

  1. my heart wants a little lady to play with baby dolls too! Charlotte is a doll!
