Sunday, January 27, 2013

Random Ramblings

  •  Charlotte learned how to catapult herself over the crib rail this afternoon when she did not want to take her nap.  She goes to the back of the crib, runs into the rail and then flips over it.  Very safe. We spent the rest of the afternoon taking down the crib and taking the twin bed on her room off the bed frame so she could spend her first night in her big girl bed.  

  • The first night Trey spent in his big boy bed we laid him down and he stayed in bed and never got out and went right to sleep.  Charlotte screamed and ran to open the door anytime I left the room so I finally laid in bed with her.  Not wanting her to think that would happen every night, Jay came in and laid on the floor next to her bed until she was asleep.  
  • Today after church we had to drive across the street to Wal-Mart to pick up something.  While in the Walmart parking lot you can see the church down in the valley below.  Trey explained while looking at the church and homes around it, "Look there is my big town.  God made me a big town and the tractor helped Him." 

  • I have been doing the Insanity workouts after school each day.  With a holiday weekend last weekend and 2 snow days in the past 2 weeks we haven't been doing much Insanity.  I didn't fall behind in my workout schedule so I have been completing the Insanity workouts at home using a video someone posted of herself doing Insanity each day on youtube. The videos I have done before are not too hard to follow because you can hear ShaunT's voice in the back ground.  I spent cardio abs basically laying on my mat trying to figure out what to do because the girl in the video kept taking breaks and trying to figure out how to do the moves.  
  • I have been using Myfitnesspal app on my phone to record all my calories for the day and doing the Insanity workouts everyday since Jan. 7th and I have only lost 2 lbs.  Kinda discouraging but when you do Insanity it burns a crazy amount of calories, so the app adds more calories I can eat each day I workout.  Basically I workout so I can eat more and not go to sleep starving. 
  • Charlotte has become very clingy lately.  She wants to sit in my lap for meals, for me to hold her hand in the car and basically she comes up to me all the time and says, "Hold you Mommy?"  How can you resist? The only way we could get her to eat dinner in her seat the other night was to put her baby in a high chair beside her and she could show baby how to stay in her seat. 
  • Today during their afternoon snack Trey kept putting a colander on his face as a shield.  This was how he explained it to Charlotte.  "Charlotte, this is good for my face because it protects it, but I can still see you." 

  • We have a chance for some freezing rain tonight so I was hoping for a 2 hour delay at school to make the morning I little bit easier.  I decided if I waited until the morning to make lunches we would be on time.  I went ahead and made lunches and when I sat at my computer after I finished they called a two hour delay for us.  To my coworkers: you are welcome :) 

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