Sunday, December 30, 2012

Did Santa Come?

On Christmas morning I am pretty sure I was the first one awake at 6:00.  I laid in bed waiting for the first noise from the kids' side of upstairs.  Usually it involves Trey opening and closing drawers in his room for us to realize he is awake.  This morning though I heard him run out of his room.  I walked up to him in the hall and the first thing he said in sleepy wonder, "Mommy, did Santa come? Did he leave presents in our stockings?"  So after convincing him to stay in his pajamas we got Charlotte, sent Daddy downstairs with the camera and went to inspect what Santa left.

Trey seeing that Santa did indeed come.

Charlotte spotting the goodies from Santa.

Trey knew to dig into his stocking right away. 

After Charlotte watched Trey she was determined to get what was in her stocking.

Charlotte loved her Abby Cadabby slippers and wore them the rest of the day!

Trey showing off his Lightning McQueen slippers. 

Proving that the simplest presents are the best, Charlotte has been playing with the ducks from her and Trey's stockings over and over the past few days. 

Trey wanted to read his Chuck the Truck book to go with the Chuck trucks he got in his stocking. 

Charlotte's big present from Santa was a portable DVD player (Trey already had one).  Trey's big present was the Mickey sofa (Charlotte already had a princess sofa).  They still wanted to share Charlotte's sofa to watch their "puters" as they call them. 
As you can see from the pictures we were up and finished with Santa presents before the sun even came up!  This was the first year Trey really got what was going on and couldn't wait to see his stocking and Charlotte gets excited about whatever Trey does.  I look forward to next year when they are both super excited for Christmas morning. 

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