Monday, March 7, 2011

Sibling Love

Many people have asked how Trey has adjusted to having a little sister. He has done so well with the new change. Our pediatrician said in her opinion this was the best age spacing with siblings because the oldest one is so little he won't remember a time without the younger one so it weeds outs some of the jealous. Trey loves to hug his sister and rub her belly. If she is fussy he will come and get me and pull my hand until I go pick her up. He also loves to lay on the floor with her. This week she has started laughing and smiling at him. She is very patient with the lack of personal space he believes in and can calmly play during any major temper tantrums he may have (He IS almost 2!).

Anytime he goes upstairs for a nap or bedtime he has to find her and give her a hug and wave bye to her. We are still working on not yelling BYE!! BYE!! to her when she is asleep and he is going up for a nap. I am not sure the whole whisper voice concept is completely understood, but we are getting there.

Whenever he plays with Charlotte, Trey wants me to get the camera and take some pictures. Here are some from the other day up in their room.

When you stick out your tongue, Charlotte will stick hers out also. Trey is trying do this with her.

There are times Trey would like for me to stop feeding her and play with him, but usually he takes it all in stride. He will bring me books to read to him while I feed her or play on his own during this time. I think having two kids has taught them both that sometimes they have to wait. Their needs might not be met immediately, but they will get met soon. Now if only I could get them to sleep at the same time.....

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