Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Top 5

When people find out I am pregnant I get a variety of responses. Here are the top 5 in no particular order.

1. Wow! Already? (Yes, already, if not I would be lying to you)

2. How far apart will your children be? ( 21 months)

3. How are you feeling? (great, I don't get morning sickness, thank goodness!)

4. It will be crazy for a while at your house! (Yes we are aware of that. However, it will be our house not yours and we will love the craziness.)

5. Congratulations! I am excited for you! ( Thank you)

Now I may not say all the things I am thinking, especially about the craziness. However, how is it helpful for someone to tell me it will be tough having two kids under two? I am aware of this but I know God has blessed us with this little one and having siblings close in age can be a wonderful thing. Not that all comments are negative but sometimes I don't understand why people say things. Pregnant women only need to hear encouraging comments!

I feel about the same being pregnant with this baby as I did with Trey. I know everyone says every pregnancy is different, but so far my "symptoms" (not that this is a disease!) are the same. I had forgotten some things though. Here are the top 5 things I had forgotten about being pregnant.

1. The constant worry "Is my baby okay?" Once the baby is born you know they are okay just by looking at them, but when you cannot actually see the baby it is a little harder to reassure yourself everything is fine.

2. The heartburn and headaches! I don't get nauseous when I am pregnant, nor do I throw up. I am one of the lucky ones. I do get terrible heartburn, especially if I lay down right after I eat or sit in the car for a while. The old wives tale about heartburn means your baby has a full head of hair may be correct because Trey was born with a ton of hair!

3. The feeling of the baby move. Okay I didn't forget that it was an awesome feeling, but feeling it a second time around has been amazing! It is what I miss the most when I am not pregnant.

4. How easy it is to take care of this baby. When you are pregnant if you eat healthy, get plenty of rest, and exercise, your baby is taken care of. You don't have to change diapers, feed them, change their clothes, your body takes care of everything!

5. The end-between fat stage. That is where I am now. I am not pregnant enough for someone to think, "Oh she is pregnant!" Instead they just think, "Oh, she has put on some weight," or worse, "Did she not lose her baby weight yet?" But this time around I have decided to embrace my pregnant body. I may even take more than one belly picture during the whole pregnancy!

While during this pregnancy I am not reading every book, I don't always know exactly how many weeks and days pregnant I am, and I sometimes forget I am pregnant, I am very excited for January and the arrival of baby #2!

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