Friday, July 5, 2013

Fourth of July Fun

 We woke up to an extremely wet Fourth of July.  Apparently all the rain from the night before (on top of the rain from the entire week) was too much for the creek by our home and it flooded into the road and the bottom of our driveway.  We made it to Jay's parents for a Fourth of July lunch early in the day.  After naptime we changed the kids into red, white and blue, loaded them into the car and tried to go to the kid's first parade.  We got less than a mile down the road when we saw the creek had flooded over the entire road and was too deep to drive through.   The kids did not get very upset and when we drove back home we decided to go for a walk instead. 

Charlotte wanted to ride in her stroller for the walk.  This girl absolutely loves her stroller!

Trey was pointing out all the water in woods. 

This was a small run off stream that had tons of rushing water in it coming down the mountain. 

Trey jumped in a puddle! Then his feet and legs were muddy and wet so he wanted to go back to the house to get clean, then come back and continue his walk!
The kids have been reading Courdoroy's Fourth of July from the library and they knew the Fourth of July meant fireworks.  We really wanted to take the kids to their first fireworks, but I was worried about how late they would be up.  Charlotte took a 3 hour nap so we decided she wouldn't fall apart staying up so late.  Jay checked the road after dinner and the creek had gone back down out of the road.  We changed the kids into their pajamas (because we were going to be getting home so late!) and went to see the fireworks. 

The kids were so excited to go see fireworks. 

We got there about an hour before the show started.  We had never been before so we weren't sure how parking/space would be so we wanted to have plenty of time.  Charlotte's favorite activity while we waited for the show was people watching!
Charlotte and her friend Dean were ready for the show to start!

Watching the fireworks!

 The kids did really great for their first time.  At first they loved the show, then the noise started to bother Trey.  He didn't cry, he just kept saying he wanted to go to back to the car.  Jay walked him back to the car and then Trey realized inside the car he couldn't see the fireworks.  Jay held him up in the parking lot and they watched the fireworks that way.   Charlotte and I stayed in the field, but then it started to rain really hard.  I did not want to get caught in a downpour with 2 lawn chairs and a toddler to take back to the car, so we headed back too.  By the time we got to the car the rain had slowed down to a sprinkle.  We set up the chairs in front of the car and watched the fireworks with the kids on our laps. The fireworks were very loud so I was impressed how much the kids liked them.  Trey kept saying, "Wow! Look at that one!"  and Charlotte kept saying, "That one is so pretty" every time a new firework appeared. 

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