Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

Trey is at the perfect age for holidays.  He understands what is going on and get very excited about any birthday or holiday.  My mom made the kids' Mickey and Minnie Mouse costumes this year for Halloween.  The package with the costumes arrived last Saturday.

The kids have been dressing up at home ever since then! On Halloween we dressed the kids up and tried to get some pictures at home.  Trey wanted to wear his cookie monster hat with his outfit, but there is only so much cooperation you can expect when you have a 3 year old extremely excited about getting treats!
Pre- Trick or Treating snack of cheese and crackers. 

The only way to get Trey to stand still for a photo was like this.  I now understand the phrase, bouncing off the walls, because Trey was so exciting about trick or treating.
 Charlotte did not want to put on her ears or hands, but she loved her dress.  We attempted to take a picture of the two kids together, but shockingly they did not want to stand still and take pictures so we could record their costumes for years to come! I realize now that we have no individual pictures of Trey in his costume.  He wore his costume all night long without complaint and we kept trying to get Charlotte to put her ears on and then take a picture that we totally didn't realize Trey didn't have one by himself!

Since we don't live in a neighborhood, we drove to Jay's parent's house to trick or treat. Charlotte let us finish getting her dressed when she got out of the car, but Trey was off looking for his treat.  They got tons of treats to which Trey kept saying, "Thank you so much for my treats!"

The only happy picture all night of Charlotte in her full costume!

Enjoying the treats at Grandma and Grandpa's. Jay had just put the Minnie ears on Charlotte and she was not having it!  
 After that we headed to our church for Trunk or Treat.  It was extremely cold and windy while we were there so the kids had on hats, gloves and heavy coats over their costumes.  We took no pictures because we were trying to hold bags of candy and Trey's hand.  Plus Charlotte kept trying to walk away from holding my hand (maybe I was holding a little too tightly..) so Jay ended up carrying her leaving no free hands for pictures. 

I was so proud of Trey at church.  Our shy little guy walked right up to each car, looked at the adults and said "Trick or Treat" and then "Thank you" after he got his candy each time! He wasn't bashful, he knew if he talked to them he would get a treat :)  Charlotte did not want to hold her bag of candy or go up to the people, so she mainly just watched from Jay's arms.  She did like waving to other babies in costumes like moneys or other animals she knew.

Next year I definitely want to take pictures of the trunk or treat at church.  There are hundreds of kids and it is so much fun.  I just hope after 2 very cold years, next year is a little warmer!

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