Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Halloween Package

Dear Nana and Papa,

Thank you for the Halloween package. I was excited to see the caterpillar book and my train conductor outfit.

Charlotte really likes her "Baby's First Halloween" onesie.

I tried on my costume. It is a perfect fit. Mommy showed how to use Papa's train whistle. I am a pro at whistling and yelling, "All Aboard!"

I even shared my whistle with Charlotte. She is not as good as me yet.

Mommy said you can't send me anymore pink soap. After I rubbed it all over my face I couldn't find any more space to roll on my body, so I tried the carpet. It worked great! I put pink in Charlotte's room, Charlotte's closet, my room, my closet and Mommy and Daddy's room.

The carpet cleaner is coming on Thursday.



  1. Oh no!!! All over brand new carpet! I guess that is all part of having kiddos.

  2. Hannah that was exactly my thought- Seriously? on the brand new carpet!? Trey has never done anything like this before, but you can bet we will keep an extra closer eye on him from now on!
