Sunday, August 25, 2013

How We Got Rid of the Paci!

Technically, Charlotte was the one to give up her paci, but I say "we" in the title because it was a family affair.  I had two main transition goals at the beginning of the summer: potty training and getting rid of the paci.  I attempted potty training at the end of June and it was a major failure.  After a crazy July of traveling, playdates galore, and a beach vacation I knew we were running out of time. 

About a week after we got back from the beach we started to talk to Charlotte about being a big girl and not using a paci anymore.  On Wednesday Charlotte had her paci in after her nap and Jay told her this was her last day for a paci and that tomorrow she was going to give it to daddy.  Thursday we talked about being a big girl and reminded her she was going to give her paci to daddy.  Sometime on Thursday evening Jay asked Charlotte for her paci and she gave it to him and said, "I a big girl now.  I no need my paci." 

Thursday night she had trouble falling asleep and took about two hours to finally conk out.  She didn't cry or ask for her paci, but she was very restless and had a hard time calming into sleep mode without it, so I laid in bed with her to finally help her go to sleep. 

Friday we went to park in the morning to wear her out, but naptime did not happen.  Apparently she thought she was just giving up her paci for one night and she would get it back at naptime!  She kept crying and asking for it so we just gave up on sleep for that afternoon.  That evening she was so exhausted from no nap she didn't fuss or ask for her paci, but went on to sleep. 

It took her about 3 or 4 days to finally nap without her paci and go to bed without being restless right before she goes to sleep.  Bedtime it has always been harder for her to fall asleep and since I laid with her the first couple of days to help her sleep without her paci, we set up a bad habit that we are now trying to break.  Overall, the giving up of the paci went much smoother than anticipated and we have been paci free for four weeks!

Today she found a paci in one of her purses and brought it over to me.  I was so afraid she was going to pop it in her mouth, but she just looked at me and said, "Is this a paci for my baby doll?"  I told her it was and she carried it around for her baby this evening, but didn't try to put it in her own mouth at all. 

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