Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sweet Sayings

In the past few months Trey has exploded with his vocabulary and gone from saying one word at a time to non stop chatting with sentences. It is so much fun to understand what he is saying and try to figure out where he comes up with all these expressions.

Every day on the way home we pass some cows in a field. He comments every time "Look, mommy, cows are eating grass!"

He can count up to eleven and will count any gathering of animals along the rode. Today it was "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven turkeys! More turkeys please Mommy!"

He is also pretty good at using please, thank you, excuse me, and bless you. Whenever anyone sneezes or blows their nose he exclaims "Bless you!" Tonight Charlotte was downstairs and she kept sneezing. As Trey runs down the stairs he screams, "Bless you, Larla, Bless you, Larla, Bless you Larla!" When he gets into the room with myself and Charlotte he says, "Mommy I blessted Larla."

Trey is a very encouraging two year old and likes to tell you "Good job Mommy! Good job Daddy!" when you do something like give him a meal or pour milk for him. It is usually followed by thank you but I just crack up when he tells us we are doing a good job.

Every night before his bath he sits on the potty. Some nights it takes him longer to pee than others. One night, after quite a while sitting and procrastinating bedtime I told him it was time to get up and we would try to use the potty again tomorrow. He looked at me and said, "No, Mommy, I pee in potty in 1 sec." and held up his finger to emphasize the 1 sec.

Tonight he had to go to timeout for slamming doors. He is allowed one book during timeout and tonight I happened to give him a book he has that has prayers in it. He kept turning the pages and saying, "Dear God, ABee (his verson of Amen), Dear God, ABee."

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