As you may recall from this post last summer, Jay is not exactly able to jump up and tackle issues that may occur in the middle of the night. Since having baby #2, though, he has really stepped it up in his nighttime duties. We have a system- he is in charge of Trey in the middle of the night and I am in charge of Charlotte. I usually wake up to the monitor and have to analyze the crying or noise being made to determine a) which child it is is b) which parent has to get out of bed or c) if the child can go back to sleep without any intervention.
Last night I woke up at 3:30 am to some crying. Unfortunately, that is not unusual in our household. I determined the crying belonged to the toddler in the house because it kept getting louder and louder to a decibel I do not think the baby can reach. I woke up Jay and said "Trey is crying, get up quickly so he doesn't wake up Charlotte!" To his credit, Jay actually did jump out of bed and go see what Trey needed. Apparently he had wet through his diaper, his pajamas, and his sheets. In the course of changing him Trey continued to scream, thus waking up Charlotte.
Charlotte had also wet through her diaper and pajamas, so she required a complete changing as well.
Jay put Trey in our bed while I changed the sheets for Trey and then we switched room while I took Charlotte into our room to feed her and he put Trey back in the kids room to sleep in his bed. Around 4:30 both kids were dry, with new sheets, and laying wide awake in their room. We are so thankful because they both put themselves back to sleep without any fussing so we could go right back to sleep as well.
I couldn't find sheets to match for Trey in the dark so he had his favorite truck sheets on his bed and a new train pillowcase on his pillow. As we are drifting off to sleep we realize Trey has seen what is on his pillowcase and he is singing to himself "Choo- Choo, Choo-Choo!"
We cloth diaper during the day and use plastic at night because they kept wetting out of the cloth diapers. Well apparently plastic is not working at night either. So mommas, I need your help. What diaper solution have you found works the best for heavy nighttime wetters?
Pampers Extra protection work great at night!! Half the reason I stopped cloth was because all of the wet clothes and sheets at night....I have been happy with them since I switched.
ReplyDeleteI would call Pampers and tell them you are really interested in trying them and see what they say. I did this and they gave me a TON of free coupons for diapers. I truly can't remember the last time I paid for diapers.