Last Tuesday (yes, I know I am a little behind!) Miss Charlotte Rose turned 2 months old! She was a champ at the doctor's office where she weighed in at 11 lbs 15 ozs and was 23 inches inches long. She made the 75% for both weight and height. Her head is only in the 25%! That's okay, we like her petite head and that no hat stays above her eyes!
At her appointment we learned she had excema ( I have tried to spell it 4 different ways and it doesn't look right, so just read it phonetically :) That explains why she was so fussy in the evenings and her skin was all red and irritated. This poor mama thought she was just allergic to the body wash or lotion I was using so I just kept trying different lotions to see if it would get better. She now has to be bathed twice daily with a special cleanser, lathered up in a special moisturizer and then we put a prescription cream on top of that. She has been a trooper and doesn't mind all the baths and it is such a relief to have a happy, sleeping baby again!
We had always given her baths after Trey went to bed so Trey had a hard time understanding why she couldn't go in the bathtub with his bubble machine for a bath. He kept trying to pull me into the bathroom when I said we were giving Charlotte a bath one morning! And, of course, he now wants to take a bath every morning too!
Charlotte loves to play on the floor under the baby gym. She also enjoys tummy time and lifting her head up to watch her brother. She is a not a big fan of the bouncy seat, but does love her swing. She likes to bat at toys and stare at any moving mobiles about her. She is so smiley and expressive. This past week we put Charlotte in her crib and now she sleeps in the crib at night and for most of her naps. Her routine is starting to fall into place and she can usually put herself to sleep when we lay her in the crib. She has even been known to sleep for a 6 1/2 hour stretch at night!
Here are some shots of Charlotte on the day she was 2 months old. As you can see, she is out of her 0-3 month clothes and into 3-6 months clothes now. On this day I was trying to get one more wear out of an outfit before we had to pack it away!
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