Looking down into the foundation. You can see how the land slopes for the walkout basement.
This is a little boys dream- mounds of dirt and big machines!
The view from the front yard.
This the driveway. It is much less steep now, although it will be a slight workout to get the mail and paper each morning.
Here is a photo from the same place as the day 1 photo we took.
This week they continued working on the moving the dirt. Can you believe you actually have to have a land disturbance permit in order to move around dirt on your land? They started laying the footers in the foundation. At least that is what I think Jay said last night when we went to walk around the house site. Yesterday evening was a beautiful spring evening and it was so nice to hear the birds chirp and the creek babble as our family walked outside. I can't wait for next spring when we can rock on the front porch and watch the sunset while the kids play!
Inside the foundation
Here is the garage marked off with chalk.
Front porch markoff
Just checking, my belly button is still here!
Walking around in the dirt is hard work!
I love being outside!
Look, a bird over there.
Daddy, do you hear the birds?
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