Thursday, February 19, 2015


If October was super busy, we spent the month of November slowing down our pace a bit.

Krispy Kreme opened up a new location in Roanoke and we were excited to go get some hot donuts their first weekend open!

 Esther starting crawling and there was no stopping her from getting into everything!

The girls got to wear their turkey dresses to get ready for Thanksgiving!

Over Thanksgiving we went to Richmond and Esther got to meet her future college roommate Haddie.

 The kids wanted to help decorate our house for fall so they cut out leaves and taped them to the windows with painters tape.  The original plan had been to write one thing you are thankful for on a leaf each day, but the kids took over and made it their own project.

Trey had a turkey family project for school.  Every student got a picture of a turkey that they had to turn into something else.  Trey turned his turkey into a computer.

We also traveled to Richmond one weekend so the kids could see their great-grandfather.  The last time we saw Granddaddy and Nancy, Trey was 3 months old.  They knew great-granddaddy lived in Florida from Trey's U.S.A. puzzle and were excited to meet him and his wife Nancy.  We got to take some family photos of everyone together.

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