We haven't had much "special" stuff going on the past few weeks, but there is still never a dull moment at our house.
Trey decided to unroll all the freezer-sealing bag rolls we have in our pantry last week and ended up with 3 very stiff paper towel-like rolls. He likes to use them as telescope and will often come up to you and say, "Come with me! Let's go on an adventure. We're looking for rocket ships!

He new favorite phrase for Charlotte is either
"Come on little fellow!" (He ignores all the times we explain that Charlotte is a girl and not a 'fellow'.) or
"Oh Charlotte, you're my best pal."

Charlotte is cutting 5 teeth right now, 4 of which are molars. We have gone through a lot of children's tylenol and teething tablets at night.

She is also pulling up on everything and cruising around. She really likes to push chairs and her baby strollers around the house. Now Trey is trying to find higher hiding places so she doesn't get his toys.

On Monday we had another snow day. When I woke up at 5:45 I saw no snow outside, but by 6:30 everything was covered and school was cancelled. Trey was so excited to see the snow again. He kept saying, "Look everybody the snow came back!" He and Jay most of the morning playing outside in the snow.

We have also been working on cleaning up in the evening. We were really good at it with Trey before we moved, but then trying to get them both in bed and Trey protesting his bath every night led us to just leaving the toys everywhere and coming back to clean up them after they went to bed. His reward for cleaning up his toys is getting to play Concentration. My parents got him Eric Carle concentration cards for Christmas. He loves matching the animals and the numbers.

With Charlotte being able to reach higher places no food left lying around is safe. Trey put his snack and milk cup on his table and went to do something else. In no time at all Charlotte had spotted it and claimed it as her own. Notice she is still holding onto her snack cup as well.

Last night at church Trey made a picture about day and night. One half had a dark sky with stars and a moon and the other half of the paper had a light sky with a sun. Not surprisingly Trey's stars are all in a neat row. When we walked out to the car he looked up at the sky and said, "Hmm.. I wonder what time is it? Let me check my list. (He looks down to his paper for reference and points to the night side.) It's nighttime!"
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