Today you are one year old. I cannot fathom that you are no longer a baby and are moving into toddlerhood. I don't think I am ready for that yet! I love your baby kisses, baby squeals and baby laughs. You are such a happy baby. You love to crawl all around, explore new things, and be right in the middle of people. The first thing you look for in a room is your brother. If you find him you make a beeline for him, but if you don't you will find something else to do. You still love to try new foods and this month some of your favorites were frozen peas, cheese toast, black bean salsa, and french toast (whole wheat and homemade of course!)
You are sleeping so well that I almost forget we didn't sleep for a good 9 months out of this year! In the mornings you are usually trying to pull up in your crib and have a big smile ready for whoever comes to get you. Your favorite game is peek a boo. Your favorite toys are Trey's chunky beads and his train set. You love to read books and your favorite ones are the small board books that you can turn the pages on your own and chew on.
You have adjusted pretty well to the sippy cup. But when the milk is too cold you will just spit it right out! Right now you take whole milk in your sippy cup and only nurse right before you go to sleep. Mommy will cut that out pretty soon too. You like to say your prayers and read a story before you go to sleep. Mommy loves to cuddle with you and sometimes you will lay your head down and snuggle, and sometimes you want to push away and just be laid down in the crib and have your own space.
Mommy, Daddy and Trey love you so much! We can't wait to see how much fun you will be and how much you will grow and change in the next year!
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