August at our house has been busy. Especially the second half. With the school year back in session and everyone getting up and out the door bright and early any free moment we have at home seems precious.
We have been spending lots of time playing outside in the afternoons and evenings. There is a breeze in air that lets us know fall will soon be upon us.
Charlotte doesn't like to be in her exersaucer inside unless someone is sitting right beside her, but outside she can watch her brother play and loves to jump around. I think the furniture inside blocks her view of everyone when she is in the exersaucer, but it is so spacious outside that she can still see everybody. I think she might be a nosy one.
Trey loves to ride his tricycle and kick the ball around outside. He is a bundle of energy and needs time outside to wear himself out before bed.
Saturday mornings are usually a bit lazy around her. We hang out in our pajamas while I make breakfast. Jay is in charge of entertainment while I cook.
Charlotte wants to know if we are done with the book yet.
Often Trey finds his own entertainment. One evening he put on every bib in the kitchen. Don't worry, I took the computer cord out of his hand immediately following this picture. I had just been following him around the kitchen try to take a picutre of all the bibs around his neck because I thought it was so hilarious. Those also came off promptly just in case they were a little snug.
We also have a new rule at our house that is often instituted in the evenings.
"Trey, are you supposed to climb on Mommy?"
"No climb on Mommy"he answers.
"Who can you climb on?"
"Daddy!!" and he proceeds to find Daddy wherever he is and wrestle/ climb all over him.
For the record, Daddy invented this rule.
Chasing Daddy around the kitchen island. I am not sure why Trey has no shirt on, but no male bonding ritual usually occurs with shirts on in my observations.
Charlotte and I look in dismay at this male bonding ritual that occurs in our home. We prefer to sit and play quietly on the floor. Although I think Charlotte may be ready to join in the climbing ruckus soon. For now she is content reaching for her toys, playing with tags, and watching her brother.
See ruckus occuring in the background.
Watching the wrestling match.
Happy to just be an observer.
Such beautiful babies!