To my amazement, my oldest child was born with a head full of strawberry blond hair. I say to my amazement because I was practically bald until I was three. I loved his baby hair, but having a boy with a lot of hair means haircuts. I was able to get by with just trimming a few pieces here and there until he turned one- then it was time for the professional hair cutters. This is also a good time to mention my husband hates getting his hair cut. He puts it off and acts like a little boy grumbling the whole time he goes to get it done. This has impacted getting Trey's hair cut because anytime I suggest it, it is like pulling teeth to get Jay to agree that yes, his son's hair is too long.
Trey had super fine long baby hair at 9 months old.
Trey's first "real" hair cut when he was 13 months old.
We have taken him to four different places in the past 8 months to get hair cuts. He has to get it cut every other month. At the beginning of January we all got hair cuts because I knew when the baby was born that would be the last thing anyone wanted to deal with. Trey sat in Jay's lap for the haircut because at 9 months pregnant I had no lap :) This led to a not so great hair cut. Not that I am blaming anyone, but as the mommy I should have been there to oversee and say, can you please cut it shorter? Because as a result Trey's hair four short weeks later looks like this.
Today after church we had a friend cut Trey's hair. She does the best job cutting his hair and she cut it nice and short on the sides and bottom for me! Sorry my musician did not want to look at the camera :)
While it is a pain to get his hair cut every other month (especially since it is a 45 minute drive somewhere to get hair cut) I am thankful that he is a boy and that means I don't have to fix his hair every morning. Luckily Charlotte doesn't have too much hair yet, so we (mainly meaning myself because I don't see Jay doing any hair) have a while until we have to fight the tangles and the hair bows :)
What is it with boys/men not wanting to get their hair cut? My hubby is the SAME way.. it's like pulling teeth to get him to go. I WISH I could get mine done more often!! ha! And I think you'll find it's much easier with a girl. The bows seem to "tame" the wild hair on many bad hair days! :)