The house is completely set up for baby. We have a swing downstairs, a bassinet in our bedroom and the nursery set up. At least as set up as it can be without a gender or name yet. I was so excited to do a green and white nursery since we haven't used that color scheme before, and then I decided to add plenty of yellow to cheer it up.
Last week Jay helped me by putting up stuff on the wall and finalizing all the little stuff to make the nursery feel complete. Even if the baby doesn't sleep in there for a few weeks, it is nice to have a place to relax for feeding and diaper changes.
This dresser was one I used in college and then painted white for Trey's nursery. It is a perfect dresser/ changing table combo because of the length of the top of the dresser. Usually I put shelves up right beside the dresser to store our cloth diapers (which take up more room than disposable ones), but I have decided this time just to store the diapers in the top two drawers of the dresser. I think this will help me rotate through the diapers more instead of just always using the ones on the top of the basket.
The art work above the dresser is a pinterest find that cost $10. I found some baby scrapbook paper in the basement when I was going through our baby stuff. The colors perfectly matched the room so I brought it upstairs trying to decided how to incorporate the paper into the room. I found on pinterest an idea of using foam insulation board and mod podging scrapbook paper to the board to create a canvas type look. A few weeks ago we went to Lowes and they cut foam board into 12"x12" squares for me then I came home and mod podged the paper onto the foam board. We attached the foam to the wall with 3M strips since it is so lightweight and this way it can be taken down without any damage to the wall.
Charlotte got caught red handed undoing all the cloth diapers we were given by our Sunday School class. We were so blessed to receive a dozen new cloth diapers in vibrant colors for this baby.
This bookshelf area is one of my favorite places in the room. I painted the bookshelf the rejected yellow color from the big kids room. I have to be careful because the kids keep taking the baby toys off the shelf and playing with them and leaving them all over the upstairs. Charlotte kept sneaking the squeezy-blocks into her bed one at a time over a week before I realized where they were. Now they can look at the toys, but that have to stay in the baby's room.
We had this shelf at our other home and it has been in the basement until last weekend. It didn't really fit anywhere in our new house, but I really like it in the baby's room. Once the baby is born we will change out the decorations to fit the baby's gender.
This picture from pinterest is my inspiration for the long wall with the crib on it I am thinking about putting the name above the crib and then doing embroidery hoops on either side help the long wall feel more pulled together.
Now all we need is the baby :)
Last week Jay helped me by putting up stuff on the wall and finalizing all the little stuff to make the nursery feel complete. Even if the baby doesn't sleep in there for a few weeks, it is nice to have a place to relax for feeding and diaper changes.
This dresser was one I used in college and then painted white for Trey's nursery. It is a perfect dresser/ changing table combo because of the length of the top of the dresser. Usually I put shelves up right beside the dresser to store our cloth diapers (which take up more room than disposable ones), but I have decided this time just to store the diapers in the top two drawers of the dresser. I think this will help me rotate through the diapers more instead of just always using the ones on the top of the basket.
The art work above the dresser is a pinterest find that cost $10. I found some baby scrapbook paper in the basement when I was going through our baby stuff. The colors perfectly matched the room so I brought it upstairs trying to decided how to incorporate the paper into the room. I found on pinterest an idea of using foam insulation board and mod podging scrapbook paper to the board to create a canvas type look. A few weeks ago we went to Lowes and they cut foam board into 12"x12" squares for me then I came home and mod podged the paper onto the foam board. We attached the foam to the wall with 3M strips since it is so lightweight and this way it can be taken down without any damage to the wall.
Charlotte got caught red handed undoing all the cloth diapers we were given by our Sunday School class. We were so blessed to receive a dozen new cloth diapers in vibrant colors for this baby.
This bookshelf area is one of my favorite places in the room. I painted the bookshelf the rejected yellow color from the big kids room. I have to be careful because the kids keep taking the baby toys off the shelf and playing with them and leaving them all over the upstairs. Charlotte kept sneaking the squeezy-blocks into her bed one at a time over a week before I realized where they were. Now they can look at the toys, but that have to stay in the baby's room.
We had this shelf at our other home and it has been in the basement until last weekend. It didn't really fit anywhere in our new house, but I really like it in the baby's room. Once the baby is born we will change out the decorations to fit the baby's gender.
This picture from pinterest is my inspiration for the long wall with the crib on it I am thinking about putting the name above the crib and then doing embroidery hoops on either side help the long wall feel more pulled together.
Charlotte loves this baby swing and all her dolls have had a turn in it. Trey is semi-interested in the baby stuff around the house, but mainly he just wants to know when the baby is coming.
Now all we need is the baby :)