Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Baby #3

We are super excited about baby #3 arriving in early March.  I am enjoying being pregnant and can't wait to have a newborn in our house again.  This time is so much more fun for Jay and I because the kids are excited about having a baby too.  Trey was too little to understand anything when I was pregnant with Charlotte, but this time around the kids have been curious and looking forward to having a new baby brother or sister.

This pregnancy has been relatively easy with no sickness (normal for me) and very little heartburn (not so normal).  I am beginning to have some back pain as the weight of the baby (and myself!) gets larger.  I keep trying to work out to combat the pain, but it wasn't helping much so my o.b. suggested one of those lovely maternity belts to help support my belly.  I looked them up on amazon and almost every review was written by women who had gotten them to help with back pain for their third or fourth pregnancy.  Apparently once you have 2 babies your stomach muscles are shot! 

I have never kept up with belly shots before, but I thought it might be fun this time.  I took some early on, but I think they are on my old phone and I can't access them anymore.  Oh well, I am sure I will keep growing over the next 15 weeks. 
25 weeks
25 weeks
We went about a month ago for our 20 week ultrasound to check on baby's growth and development.  Everything was great and for the first time ever we didn't have to go back for a follow up ultrasound.  The third baby knows better than to be complicated :) We didn't find out the gender and since we won't have any more ultrasounds unless some problem develops we won't know the gender until baby arrives!  

Baby's feet
The ultrasound tech got this shot of the baby holding a number one sign up in the air.  She labeled it "Go Hokies!" for us.  

We still have a lot to do before baby arrives, but right now we are just enjoying our family of four that (mostly) sleeps through the night!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Halloween Wrap Up

Halloween was so much fun this year.  The kids were the best age to enjoy the activities and understand what we were doing.  Every year we do trunk or treat at our church and the stop off at Jay's parent's house to trick or treat.  Trey decided back in August he wanted to be the big bad wolf, so we decided Charlotte would be little red riding hood.  Somehow we got roped into Jay being the huntsman and I was the grandma of the folktale. 

Each year my mom (Nana) makes the kids' costumes and mails them to us.  The kids were so excited to get their package and try on their costumes.  Nana even sent face paint so that Jay could put whiskers and fur on Trey's face.  Nana and Papa decided to drive up and surprise us at church to see everyone dressed up for Halloween. 
The Big Bad Wolf

Back of the Big Bad Wolf

Little Red Riding Hood

Ready to head to church for trunk or treat

Grandma, Huntsman, Little Red Riding Hood and The Big Bad Wolf    
 Jay and I are aware we didn't do much for our costumes, but the kids didn't care.

We saw lots of friends at church, including baby Charlie. 

Lots of the cars at church had games and activities to go with their decorated trunks.  Trey enjoyed shooting baskets to get candy.

This car was decorated as "Candy Land" so you had to walk through the game board to get the candy bowl. 

They both enjoyed picking ducks.  Whatever number was at the bottom of the duck was the amount of candy pieces you could pick.
The kids loved trunk or treating with Nana and Papa!
Whenever they got to pick their candy from the bowls, both kids chose lollipops. 
The local pumpkin patch near our church let the church borrow this "train" ride for Halloween night.  Trey wouldn't ride in it last year at the pumpkin patch, but he was eager to ride this year.  Charlotte rode last year when she was just 21 months old, but this year she did not want to get in!

The tractor train did a lap around the lower parking lot.

We had a dinner of hot dogs and popcorn at church and the kids couldn't wait to dive into their lollipops.  Charlotte had one bite of her hot dog bun and said, "Mommy I ate some of my bun, can I have my lollipop now?"

I didn't take any pictures of our last stop at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  The kids had a blast on Halloween night and are looking forward to the rest of the holidays coming up!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

Every year our Sunday School has an annual Pumpkin Patch trip.  This year the morning started out rainy and dreary, but the kids still had a blast! We opted out of the corn maze and hay slide, but the kids had no idea and still had the best time.

The first activity at the farm was a petting zoo.  Our kids are not animal people, so they watched through the fence while the other other kids went inside to pet the sheep, pick up the baby goats and ride on the pony.  They were content to move on to other activities inside the barn.  

Charlotte loved the photo booth.  This lookout hole was the perfect height for her! 

The both absolutely loved the masks with the photo booth.  Maybe that will appear at a future birthday party!

Something I didn't even know they had was a corn pit.  It is basically a big sand box filled with corn kernels.  Most years after the petting zoo we load up for the hay ride, but it was fun to explore the other activities instead.  The kids spent at least an hour playing together in the corn pit. 

After a while some of the dads went in and started burying the kids in the corn.  Charlotte thought it was so funny to be buried. 

Trey had corn kernels all over his clothes for the rest of the day!

There was also a hay tunnel to crawl though and at the end you arrived at the corn pit.  Trey did this over and over again for a long time!
Here he is coming out into the corn pit from the tunnel. 

Charlotte and her friend Tucker enjoyed climbing up on the tractor.  It was pretty wet from all the rain so they couldn't sit on it. 

At the end of the morning the kids spotted these wooden horses.  They had horse races up and down the field while we loaded pumpkins in the car.  
When we arrived at the pumpkin patch we weren't sure if we were going to stay because of the yucky weather.  Luckily it cleared up some and there were plenty of fun things to do without going on the wet hay ride.  The kids had so much fun and as adults we got a chance to chat and catch up together while we watched them play.