Today Charlotte turns two! This was our conversations tonight before bedtime.
Mommy: "Charlotte, how old are you now?"
Charlotte: "Two!"
Mommy: "That's right, you're Mommy's big girl now."
Charlotte: "NO! I Mommy's baby, 'member?"
That pretty much sums up Charlotte. She is quite the little personality! Charlotte is a social butterfly and loves to be around people. She waves to every car on the way out of church and wants to wave to every older lady in the grocery store. Charlotte went from a sweet baby at 1 year old to a full blown toddler who runs, talks, and knows what she wants.
She still absolutely adores her brother and wants to make sure he is included in everything. Any time I tell her she can get something or do something she always says, "Trey too!" and wants him to get whatever she is getting. If Trey is upset she will say, "Trey's sad." and want you to go help him. She will also bring him toys when he is in timeout or try to take his temperature if he doesn't feel well. Charlotte is old enough for them to play together now and they love to play parade, hide and seek and do crafts together.
Charlotte has just started to really enjoy playing with her baby dolls. She will sing to them, feed them, and lay them down for a nap. She loves to brush the baby's hair and put hair bows in the baby's hair. It is so sweet to watch her play with the dolls because Trey isn't interested, so she does it all by herself.
Charlotte is still a really good eater. She will eat almost any fruit and try whatever you are eating. Some of her favorite foods are: oatmeal, beans, applesauce, yogurt, any fruit, spaghetti, mac and cheese, tacos and black bean salsa! She doesn't really care for vegetables, but will gobble up any bean we put in front of her. It is so nice that she will eat or at least try whatever we have for dinner. Due to her peanut allergy, Charlotte eats sunbutter sandwiches. She doesn't seem to miss the peanut butter at all. Her favorite thing to do with food is dip it in a sauce, especially syrup or pizza sauce!
Charlotte still naps once a day in the afternoon for about an hour to two hours. She sleeps from 7-7 at night and hardly ever wakes up in the middle of the night. We are getting ready to move her to a big girl bed hopefully this month. She still loves her blanket and paci and has to have them to sleep. At night before bathtime she pees in the little Elmo potty. I am not sure I am really to do potty training again, but Charlotte will definitely be ready soon.
Charlotte talks nonstop. She will talk on the phone, to her toys, or just tell you constantly what she or Trey is doing. Every day she says new words and phrases. Her favorite phrase is, "Oh, Man!" whenever she drops something or something doesn't do what she wants. It is so funny to hear what she says and comes up with. Her other new favorite phrase is "I do 'self" meaning, "I do it myself."
Charlotte's personality is so fun to be around and we love the joy she adds to our family. Happy Birthday sweet girl!