It is hard to believe that Charlotte will be 2 in just a couple of months! She is definitely acting all toddler these days. She loves to be around people and talks to anyone and everyone. When we leave church she waves to every person and car on way out and says, "bye, bye!"
Her favorite place to be is outside. She doesn't need a lot of toys, just running around is her favorite thing. She is talking so much and it amazes me the new things she says every day. She is very polite and says please and thank you and excuse me whenever necessary. She knows what she wants and will often say it and if you don't understand than she will take your hand and guide you to what she wants. At night she will pray for "Daddy, Mommy, Bey, Mamaw, Mampa, Nana, Papa, Cooper, and cookies. Amen" The cookies line she threw in a few nights ago and has kept it every since!
She is still a really good eater and will try most anything. Her favorite foods are milk, applesauce, bananas, yogurt, beans, bacon, spaghetti, mac and cheese, oatmeal and goldfish. She also loves to dip foods in ketchup.
Charlotte sleeps from 7 pm- 7 am every night and takes about a 2 hour nap in the afternoons. We put her to bed at 7 pm but she takes about 30 minutes to wind down and you can often hear her singing to herself in the crib. We haven't made the transition to the big girl bed yet, but she is very content in her crib and most mornings doesn't want to get out. She will sing Jesus Loves Me, The Itsy, Bitsy Spider, Deep and Wide, Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, The B-I-B-LE, and the Wheels on the Bus to name a few. She picks up songs really fast and loves to sing and do motions.
Charlotte loves her brother and he is by far her favorite person. She sometimes has to go to timeout because she will not stop climbing on him! As she is getting older they play really well together and she will pretty much do whatever Trey tells her too, but if she doesn't want to she will gladly tell him "NO!". She watches everything he does and has learned a lot from him.
Charlotte's favorite toys would have to be her books. She will get a pile of books and sit on the sofa and read to herself for quite a while. She is still obsessed with shoes and bags. If you come in the house with your shoes on she will take them off for you and put them your cubby for shoes in the mudroom. Sometimes she will bring you shoes to put on. Charlotte loves to be helpful and will help you clean up, take her plate into the kitchen, and put things back where they belong.

It is so much fun watching Charlotte get bigger and take off on her independence! She will gladly snuggle in your lap for a story, but when she wants to do her own thing- watch out! Her sweet voice loves to say, "okay" when you tell her something to do and I am enjoying that so much because I know it won't last! Charlotte also has a mischievous side to her. She knows she is not supposed to stand on the sofas or chairs, but she if you tell her to sit, she will sit and then stand up as soon as you look away. The other day she stood up on the sofa and when I looked at her she got down and put herself in time out! I don't know if that is a good thing or not- she is disciplining herself but not just staying sitting in the first place!
Charlotte is so full of life and loves to play at home and go places. She is a very content toddler and as long as we stick to her nap and bedtime routine she is a happy girl. We love you so much Charlotte!